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  • Funpursea Tavern
  • Located in area B, the Funpursea tavern has two floors and a terrace, featuring youth memories of the 8090 generation. Combining the dinning hall and the bar, soon as entering the gate, the dark lights slowly separate you from the outside world, as if you had strayed into a secret garden. The elements of the combination of nostalgia and modern completely present the artistic and cultural tastes!

    Every day the pub has a regular live band---red factory band, also invites other singers from time to time. KTV songs resources are updated at any time, including folk, pop, rap and other types of music. You can also order songs during the show time.

    People travel busily in the city but here is a small world of its own, pulsing or languid, out of step with the noisy outside. There are arts, wine, stories, music, friends, all the wonderful things are waiting for you here.

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